#COVID19 vive de gotas en los pulmones de las personas con el virus incluso si no tienen síntomas.Cuando las personas contagiadas respiran, el virus entra al aire.Si no puedes quedarte en casa #StayHome, use una bufanda/pañuelo, manténgase a 6 pies de distancia y lávese las manos
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
#COVID19 lives on droplets in the lungs of people with the virus, even if they don’t have symptoms. When infected people breathe, the virus enters the air. If you can’t #StayHome, wear a mask/scarf/bandana, stay 6 feet apart, and wash your hands. #DontGoViral
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Los síntomas comunes de #COVID19 son fiebre, tos seca y dificultad para respirar.Si tiene síntomas leves, llame a su médico y quedate en casa.Si desarrolla síntomas graves, como dificultad para respirar o presión en el pecho, busque atención médica de inmediato. #StayHome
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Common symptoms of #COVID19 are fever, dry cough, & shortness of breath. If you have mild symptoms, call your doctor & #StayHome. If you develop serious symptoms, such as trouble breathing, pressure in the chest, or bluish lips or face, call your doctor & seek care immediately.
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Before social distancing, each person with #COVID19 spread the virus to 2.5 more people. At that pace, most would get it, and many more people would die. But we can slow the spread. That’s why we all #StayHome. #ApartTogether we slow coronavirus.
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Antes del distanciamiento social, cada persona con #COVID19 transmitió el virus a 2.5 personas.A ese ritmo, muchas personas se contagiarían, y muchas personas morirían.Pero podemos retrasar la propagación.Por eso todos quedemonos en casa y paremos el Coronavirus.#ApartTogether
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Puede propagar #COVID19 sin saber que lo tiene.Ya sea que tenga síntomas o no, quedate en casa.Si tiene que salir, use una bandana/bufanda, lávese las manos regularmente y manténgase a 6 pies de distancia.Debemos permanecer separados #ApartTogether.tea.texas.gov/mantentebientejas
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
You can spread #COVID19 without knowing you have it. Whether you have symptoms or not, #StayHome. If you have to go out, wear a mask/bandana/scarf, regularly wash your hands, and stay 6 feet apart. We must stay #ApartTogether to slow coronavirus. https://tea.texas.gov/staywell
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Did you know that washing your hands with soap & water eliminates #Coronavirus molecules? Science shows it works. https://bit.ly/2w7TGAJ ¿Sabías que lavarte las manos con agua y jabón elimina las moléculas del #Coronavirus? La ciencia muestra que funciona. https://bit.ly/2w7TGAJ
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
To avoid the spread of COVID-19 in our community, practice social distancing: • Avoid going out in public • When in public, keep 6 feet of distance between you and others • Follow guidance provided by local and state officials. Get more information at https://texas.gov/covid19
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Practice Social Distancing
Para prevenir la propagación de COVID-19 en nuestra comunidad, practique el distanciamiento social: • Evite salir en público • Cuando esté en público, mantenga una distancia de 6 pies entre usted y los demás • Seguir las recomendaciones de los funcionarios locales y estatales
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Practice Social Distancing
The BVISD community must work together to fight COVID-19. Head to http://tea.texas.gov/staywell for vitally important public health guidance to stop the spread. If we stand apart as a community now, we will be together again soon.
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
La comunidad del BVISD debe trabajar en equipo para luchar contra COVID-19. Visite la página Https://tea.texas.gov/mantentebien para obtener información vital sobre como detener el contagio. Si nos mantenemos separados ahora, estaremos juntos más pronto.
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Click on the link https://5il.co/eis5 for the latest information in regards to school closure. Please note this is a fluid document and updates will be made regularly. Thank you for your patience, support, and understanding as we move forward.
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
BVISD Temporary Closure: Gov. Greg Abbott announced today(3/31) that he has issued an amended executive order that requires all Texas schools to temporarily close till May 4, 2020. For the Coronavirus update, click on the following link http://www.bvisd.net/health-update--3
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Coyanosa Grab N' Go Lunch: BVISD will begin distributing meals for children 18 years old and younger on Monday, March 30, 2020 from12:00-1:00 p.m. at the Coyanosa Co-op Gin. Click on the link for more info. https://5il.co/e7ky
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Reminder: Tomorrow morning we will be distributing next week's low tech assignments. Distribution will occur at the same locations as the week before (Odessa, Ft. Stockton, Imperial, and Coyanosa) from 9:00-10:00 AM. Thank you for your continued support.
about 4 years ago, Adelina Alcala
If you did not pick up instructional packets last Friday, you may pick them up today at the school from 2:00-2:30. Reminder-next week’s packets will be available on Friday morning from 9:00-10:00 at the same locations from the week before.
about 4 years ago, Adelina Alcala
Click on the link https://5il.co/dzxw for the COVID-19 FAQ's document in regards to school closure. Please note this is a fluid document and updates will be made regularly. Thank you for your patience, support, and understanding as we move forward.
about 4 years ago, Mark Dominguez, Supt.
Reminder: All instructional activities for this coming week will be due on Friday, March 27th. We will collect and distribute new material on Friday, March 27th at the same distribution sites in F.S. Odessa, Coyanosa, and Imperial from 9:00-10:00 A.M. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Adelina Alcala